Купить NASCAR 21: Ignition

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NASCAR 21: Ignition



Артикул: 9NKWFZL6LC8K Жанр: Для: ,

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Купить игру NASCAR 21: Ignition на BuySub.ru
NASCAR 21: Ignition redefines the official video game of the world’s most popular stock car racing series. With incredible graphics and immersive gameplay, NASCAR 21: Ignition brings a whole new level of authenticity and atmosphere to the NASCAR Cup Series.

Complete with official drivers, teams and tracks from the 2021 NASCAR Cup Series season, the authentic presentation, including broadcast quality pre-race build up and post-race replays, takes you as close to the real thing as you can get.

· Experience the thrill and atmosphere of the NASCAR Cup Series with official cars, drivers and tracks from the 2021 season
· New Paint Booth offers unrivalled customization for your paint scheme
· Race online with Другое players for fun or competitively
· Incredible visuals and presentation
· True to life vehicle physics and handling with a suite of driver assists available
· Immersive Career Mode where you can create your NASCAR legacy
Менеджеры загружены на:
Вы получите доступ к: NASCAR 21: Ignition, в течение 10-50 минут. Заказы выполняются с 10:00 до 22:00 (Мск).
Rated 5,0 out of 5
5,0 из 5 звёзд (основано на 115 отзывах)
Очень хорошо0%

Motorsport Games


Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S


Motorsport Games

Дата выхода

28 октября 2021 г.

Артикул: 9NKWFZL6LC8K Жанр: Для: ,

Инструкции XBOX

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Отзывы к игре: NASCAR 21: Ignition

Сайт не скам

Rated 5,0 out of 5

В итоге покупка прошла успешно. Менеджер понимающий, сервис хороший. Всем советую.


Все супер!

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Весь процесс занят от силы минут 10. Дай бог вам здоровья!



Rated 5,0 out of 5

Покупал корсу на пс4, все сделали быстро и оперативно

+ еще и скидка была большая на игру менеджерам спасибо


Спасибо большое!

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Все сделали за 5 минут. Между заказом и обращение прошло 15! 20 минут и все готово! Спасибо за скорость, качество и сервис!


NASCAR 21: Ignition redefines the official video game of the world’s most popular stock car racing series. With incredible graphics and immersive gameplay, NASCAR 21: Ignition brings a whole new level of authenticity and atmosphere to the NASCAR Cup Series.

Complete with official drivers, teams and tracks from the 2021 NASCAR Cup Series season, the authentic presentation, including broadcast quality pre-race build up and post-race replays, takes you as close to the real thing as you can get.

The handling of the car is a direct representation of how it feels to drive one of these incredible machines, complete with updated track packages that represent the 2021 NASCAR Cup Series schedule. This puts you in the heat of the action as the green flag drops, while a full suite of driver assists make the game accessible to new racers.

Either dive straight into the action with Race Now, playing as your favorite official driver from the NASCAR Cup Series, or take on the immersive and engaging career mode as you build your reputation in the sport and battle your way toward the championship.

A brand-new Paint Booth offers an unrivalled level of customization allowing you to create your own NASCAR Cup Series paint scheme complete with your own iconic race number.

Supporting online multiplayer races, you are never far from a race whether that is in a party with your friends or racing with Другое players from around the world.

· Experience the thrill and atmosphere of the NASCAR Cup Series with official cars, drivers and tracks from the 2021 season
· New Paint Booth offers unrivalled customization for your paint scheme
· Race online with Другое players for fun or competitively
· Incredible visuals and presentation
· True to life vehicle physics and handling with a suite of driver assists available
· Immersive Career Mode where you can create your NASCAR legacy

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В ассортименте нашего магазина более 20 000 позиций. Мы не можем моментально предоставить вам код активации для каждой доступной игры, гарантируя его 100% работоспособность. Поэтому после получения вашего заказа мы покупаем ключ у Microsoft и сразу отправляем его вам. Это гарантирует 100% безопастность ключа и надежность нашего сервиса.

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