
Купить Active DBG: Brave’s Rage

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Active DBG: Brave’s Rage



Артикул: 1429-7786-10473 Жанр: Для:

Купить Active DBG: Brave’s Rage



Три простых шага для игры в Active DBG: Brave’s Rage

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Купить игру Active DBG: Brave’s Rage на BuySub.ru
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Вы получите доступ к: Active DBG: Brave’s Rage, в течение 10-50 минут. Заказы выполняются с 10:00 до 22:00 (Мск).
Rated 5,0 out of 5
5,0 из 5 звёзд (основано на 115 отзывах)
Очень хорошо0%
Возрастные ограничения


Языки отображения

Английский, Китайский (традиционное письмо), Китайский (упрощенное письмо), Японский

Дата выхода

1 февраля 2023 г.


Astrolabe Games



Язык озвучки PS1459
Язык озвучки PS1458


Артикул: 1429-7786-10473 Жанр: Для:

Инструкции для PlayStation

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Отзывы к игре: Active DBG: Brave’s Rage

Сайт не скам

Rated 5,0 out of 5

В итоге покупка прошла успешно. Менеджер понимающий, сервис хороший. Всем советую.


Все супер!

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Весь процесс занят от силы минут 10. Дай бог вам здоровья!



Rated 5,0 out of 5

Покупал корсу на пс4, все сделали быстро и оперативно

+ еще и скидка была большая на игру менеджерам спасибо


Спасибо большое!

Rated 5,0 out of 5

Все сделали за 5 минут. Между заказом и обращение прошло 15! 20 минут и все готово! Спасибо за скорость, качество и сервис!


A (Very!) Active Deckbuilding Game!

Brave’s Rage is a challenging deckbuilding game that features an ATB combat system commonly seen in JRPGs. Players will have to think critically to build their decks and make strategic decisions in real time during combat. It might seem quite difficult to pick up at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will enjoy the feeling of victory by using precise calculations and correct timing for your card play!

The Princess Joins the Battle!

With the full release of Brave’s Rage, players will now have access to a 9th playable Brave, the Princess, in addition to the already existing eight Braves, each with their own unique set of skills, playstyle, and deck pool. Of course, players will have to defeat some of the most fearful foes first to bring her back to the Kingdom. But don’t forget – it’s dangerous to go alone! So players will be able to recruit a second Brave in the Tavern every time they embark on their new journey. The game will introduce new Braves as the adventure progresses. Explorer Evra, Lord Don Qui, Protector Sancho…and many more! Always create a duo in order to advance further. Construct strategies and find synergies, double the builds and quadruple the fun!

It’s Dangerous to Go Alone!

Players will be able to recruit a second Brave in the Tavern every time they embark on their new journey. The game will introduce new Braves as the adventure progresses. Explorer Evra, Lord Don Qui, Protector Sancho…and many more! Always create a duo in order to advance further. Construct strategies and find synergies, double the builds and quadruple the fun!

Uncover Braves’ Alter-egos!

As players progress through the Challenge Tiers, they will be able to unlock Braves’ Alter-egos alone the way – Knight Kiki, who appears to be using gear borrowed from Lord Qui; Melisandre, Merlin’s first apprentice who has gained knowledge “directly” from the Archmage; Evra, a mysterious girl who looks similar to Evra the Explorer but never speaks… Just clear the Challenge Tiers to unlock all of them!


Don’t just sit, click and watch your cards get played! You can activate bullet-time at any time to determine the exact timing of your card play. Sometimes it just takes a carefully-timed block to turn the tide completely! Also, make sure you read the actions of your foes! You can time your move to dodge and then connect with counterattacks. Or maybe unleash a powerful MAX Move to sweep them all!

A New Adventure Unfolds!

For what seems like an eternity, the Braves have been stuck in the battle against the Ancient Dragon, with the ultimate goal of rescuing the Princess. However, this time things seem… different?! The Ancient Dragon is nowhere to be found, but so is our Princess… As the Braves embark on this new quest, they must be strategic in their approach. Randomized quests and events offer opportunities to grow stronger and acquire powerful items, but the Braves must choose wisely to ensure they are fully prepared for what lies ahead.

Go Forth Braves! The fate of the kingdom rests in your hands. Let’s bring our Princess home!

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